Our electric vehicle rentals
in San Francisco, CA.

Electric Unicycle (EUC) Training

Come Learn to ride an electric unicycle. Cost is $100 for 1 hour. If you pick it up within 10 minutes, its FREE!. If you end up buying one of our electric unicycles we will put that $100 towards your purchase .

Our lessons can take a couple forms; if you just want to get an idea what riding is like, we can cater to that with more ‘assisted riding lesson’ (with a pole or shoulder guide), alternatively if you are leaning towards a certainty of getting one, we would likely focus on mount/dismount, and give you the tools you need to advance your learning past the scope of the lesson.

Some loose guidelines to help you prepare for your training session:

1.  Come well rested, the first session can be somewhat taxing; we will work on mounting and dismounting, which is a lot of stepping up and down. Imagine the exertion of going up several flights of stairs, and you’ll get the picture.

2. Bring a water bottle or drink of some kind.

3. For footwear, the optimal shoe would be a high-top style skate sneaker; high top for ankle protection from pedals, and skate sneakers due to the  flatter soles than many other shoes. If neither style is available to you, just wear whatever you are comfortable in, it will be fine (no sandals!).

4. Bring whatever safety gear you think may help you feel most confident, although the lesson is fairly gentle and gradual, and all we really recommend is a bike helmet (we have a loaner).

Once you are able to ride several feet without the wheel falling/dropping too much, you may be eligible for our rental program.

We have an inaugural program for assisting you in getting from our 1 hour lesson to riding your own wheel, to save you from those little scrapes and scratches inherent to low speed drops. For the low price of $25/day you may rent an inmotion V8S equipped with a neoprene cover to protect it as you continue your process. We ask a $1000 deposit, which, once returned in good working order, may be applied towards a purchase, or refunded, minus a 3.5% processing fee.

We prefer that you make an appointment ahead of time, but you are free to call 415.320.1495 to see if we have time prior to your arrival, or just stop by M-Sun. We open at 9am.

Welcome to the EUC club. It’s a fantastic voyage and we are glad to have you.